Saturday, July 28, 2012

Novel is Coming Along Nicely

I'm having fun with the novel. 

It should be ready by October.  Maybe sooner!

I'm in about 125 pages and am planning on 250-300. The words are coming quicker than I can type. 

Watch for 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Not One, But Two

Writing two novels at the same time is like walking and chewing gum.

Some can do it, others can't . . .  .

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Positive Thinking

I am a successful author!

My book is on the top ten best seller list! 

Monday, July 23, 2012


I've been working almost daily on my novel. 

I'm at page 86 so far ~ I think 250 pages - 300 pages will do it so I still have a ways to go. 

Book sales are still going good. 

Happy Monday!  

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Sales are going beyond my expectations. 

I ordered 100 books to start with and may have to order another 100.

God is good!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Book Is HERE!

The long awaited book has arrived!

Order yours today!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Let's Make a Deal

I called the publishing company and basically told them I was going to go postal on them if they didn't do something to make this mistake right. 

I asked for free extra copies but instead, they are having the books arrive by Wednesday! The other way I learned would have taken two more weeks.

Irritated?  Just a wee bit . . .  

Friday, July 13, 2012


I just talked to the publishing company and they said the books should get shipped out to me within a few days!

That would bring them to my door by Monday of next week.  I'd love to get them so I can hand deliver some and get the others sent out in the mail.  

My readers are waiting!                                                                               

Thank you all for your patience.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Are They Kidding Me?

I got an email from the book company that my order was rejected by ME!! I said "what?" I never received the order.

I called and somehow the order went to N.Y. instead of FL. They are in N.C. so the books are taking quite a ride . . . . 

I'm hoping they'll be here by Wednesday next week. After this experience, maybe I should write a book!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I updated my website this morning.                            

I worked on my novel and my sister helped me with the title. ""

The title should give the idea what the book is about.   It's internet dating and then some . . . 

Thanks sis for your help :)

I got an email saying my Faithful Shorts book was on it's way. With a tracking number it looks like it's going to be here by the weekend. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012


I found more publishers to send my stories to. 

They take months before you hear anything and I'm willing to wait. 

Life is good . . . 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Google and Amazon

I just love it when I google myself and all of my sites come up, including my blog.

God has blessed me in many ways. I love when a plan comes together.

Amazon now has the paperback edition of Faithful Shorts ~stories~ Search under books and you will have the choice between kindle and paperback.

Thanks again; My Readers are The Best!

Monday, July 2, 2012

I Wonder

I wonder how it felt for great Authors like Nicholas Sparks, Debbie Macomber or Janet Evanovich when they were told their book was in the New York Times best seller list for the very first time?

I'm sure I'll never know and I am pretty sure they were thrilled to the point of a sleepless night or two. 

Faithful Shorts ~stories~

My short story book is on it's way to you!

I ordered copies this morning and they will be here by the 15th.

Exciting times lie ahead.                                         


I have an idea I'm going to work on for my next book.

How does a novel sound? 

This will be a challenge but I plan on giving it my best shot.

I plan to use some real life stuff along with some made up stuff. Maybe it will be a happy ending.  Maybe it won't. 

Question / Answer

Question . . . . Answer . . . .

Q. Did you hear the one about the 56 year old lady that became an author?

A. No

Here's your chance.My book "Faithful Shorts" ~stories~ is due out in July.       I'm hoping everyone will purchase a copy for themself as well as a copy for someone you love. 

The book is a great gift for any lady 15-90 years of age.The book is only $6.00 +3.00 shipping and handling through my site.

A bit more through createspace, amazon & lulu. Take a look and order today. 

Thanks so much. My readers are the best!   

Link to my website: